Animation Journey

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Week 5 Obstacle Course

This week was a bit easier. My work load was a little higher, but my social obligatiosn were lower, so I could spend more time thinking about this one. I really didn't spend more time actually at the computer, as much as just giving it brain space to block and tackle the shot.

This week we had a ball and an obstacle course. This was some fun, as it allowed us for the first time to exhibit "life" in the ball as a character. Though not much.

I decided at the beginning of this course to treat every assignment, regardless of how simple or familiar the task, like it really counted. The more we do, the more I start the process by imagining me doing a scene as a bit part on a film. Bouncing balls sounds easy enough, but I'm really enjoying going inside the simplicity of this and really "getting it". Sounds corny, but anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm an open book and a shameless enthusiast of most things big and small.

The requirements were to keep it to 120 frames, which made it challenging to bring a ball to a violent motion and back to rest without looking unnatural. I take things too literally. I should have gone the extra dozen frames to slow to a more natural stop.

Anyway, two versions to see: profile no blur and one perspective with blur.

Profile (1.1 MB)

The profile version does not accurately show the high rate of spin on the ball. It began to strobe because the rotation of the ball was faster than the frame rate to display it... so it may look a little impossibble on the last bounce.

The Perspective/blur version shows the high rate of spin more accurately.
Perspective (800K)

My mentor makes a good point about the mass of one of the stretches getting out of whack a bit...I'll be mindful to add my own deformers to adjust for scale when I can't get the model to do it for me in the upcoming assignments.

Next week is secondary motion and cool stuff. Im stoked, and alreay planning my shot.



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